DACH Region AEWTASS Meeting
DACH Region AEWTASS Meeting

Am 16. Juli 2024 fand unser erstes Vernetzungstreffen mit Bildungspraktiker*innen aus Deutschland und der Schweiz statt. Trotz des schönen Wetters konnten wir 24 Teilnehmerinnen begrüßen. Ziel des Treffens war es, unsere Kolleginnen in der DACH- Region AEWTASS näher zu bringen, unser Leistungsspektrum vorzustellen, einen Einblick in unsere wissenschaftliche Studie zur Darstellung Afrikas in Schulbüchern zu geben und unser Team vorzustellen. Der Workshop wurde von unseren erfahrenen Trainer*innen Sina Aping, M.A. und Modupe Laja geleitet. Durch den Abend führte Tmnit Ghide. On July 16, 2024, we held our first networking meeting with education practitioners from Germany and Switzerland. Despite the beautiful weather, we were able to welcome 24 participants. The goal of the meeting was to introduce our colleagues in the DACH region to AEWTASS, present our range of services, provide a preview of our scientific study on the representation of Africa in textbooks, and introduce our team. The workshop was led by our experienced trainers Sina Aping, M.A., and Dipl.-Anglistin Modupe Laja. Tmnit Ghide moderated the evening.

On July 16, 2024, we held our first networking meeting with education practitioners from Germany and Switzerland. Despite the beautiful weather, we were able to welcome 24 participants. The goal of the meeting was to introduce our colleagues in the DACH region to AEWTASS, present our range of services, provide a preview of our scientific study on the representation of Africa in textbooks, and introduce our team. The workshop was led by our experienced trainers Sina Aping, M.A., and Dipl.-Anglistin Modupe Laja. Tmnit Ghide moderated the evening.